Keberhasilan Persilangan Intraspesies pada Ercis (Pisum sativum L.)

Cross Compatibility in Intraspecific Hybridization in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)


  • Oldisya Oldisya Oldisya
  • Budi Waluyo



Keberhasilan Persilangan, Ercis, Kacang Ercis, Pisum sativum, Pea, Persilangan Intraspesifik dan Interspesifik, Persentase Keberhasilan Persilangan, Keragaman, Pemuliaan, Pemuliaan Tanaman, Genotipe Padi, karakter agronomi, Keragaman Biji



Ercis (Pisum sativum L.) merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai nutrisi tinggi seperti karbohidrat sebanyak 36,1 g, protein 13,7 g, lemak 8 g, asam askorbat 54 mg, kalsium 45 mg, dan fosfor 29 mg. Tanaman ercis mempunyai kadar manfaat bagi tubuh manusia untuk menurunkan kolesterol, meremajakan kulit dan mencegah osteoporosis. Selain itu, ercis mengandung vitamin A, vitamin B1 dan vitamin C. Ercis berpotensi di Indonesia karena pada beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami peningkatan permintaan ercis, karena masyarakat sudah banyak peduli akan kesehatan dan mengetahui bahwa kandungan baik untuk tubuh. Namun ketersediaan ercis di Indonesia masih belum cukup untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar tersebut, dikarenakan masih minimnya budidaya ercis di Indonesia. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 4 genotipe ercis berbeda yaitu G1, G2, G3 dan G4. Proses analisis menggunakan statistika deskriptif yang menggunakan pola perkawinan diallel lengkap sehingga dapat melihat tingkat keberhasilan persilangan. Setelah itu dapat membandingkan jumlah persilangan yang dilakukan dengan keberhasilan terbentuknya polong dan biji. Faktor perubahan morfologi juga dibandingkan dengan tanaman yang menyerbuk sendiri. Keberhasilan persilangan memicu adanya perubahan bentuk, ukuran, warna dan bobot pada polong dan biji. Keberhasilan polong dari 12 seri persilangan tertinggi terdapat pada seri 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 dan 11 yang memiliki persentase 100%, persentase keberhasilan biji terdapat pada seri persilangan 1, 2, 5 dan 7 yaitu 50%, 54%, 51% dan 52%. Perubahan karakter bentuk polong terdapat pada seri persilangan 5, 7 dan 10, lalu perbedaan warna terdapat pada seri persilangan 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 dan 11.


Kata Kunci: Ercis; Keberhasilan Persilangan; Diallel.




Ercis (Pisum sativum L.) is a plant that has high nutrients such as carbohydrates as much as 36.1 g, protein 13.7 g, fat 8 g, ascorbic acid 54 mg, calcium 45 mg, and phosphorus 29 mg. Peas have levels of benefits for the human body to lower cholesterol, rejuvenating the skin, and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, peas contain vitamins A, B1, and vitamin C. Peas have potential in Indonesia because in recent years there has been an increase in demand for peas because people care a lot about health and know that the ingredients are good for the body. However, the availability of pea in Indonesia is still not enough to meet market demand, due to the lack of pea cultivation in Indonesia. The materials used were 4 different pea genotypes namely G1, G2, G3, and G4. The analysis process uses descriptive statistics using complete diallel mating patterns so that the success rate of crosses can be seen. After that, you can compare the number of crosses that were carried out with the success of the formation of pods and seeds. Morphological change factors were also compared with self-pollinated plants. The successful crosses triggered changes in the shape, size, color, and weight of the pods and seeds. The success of the pods from the 12 series of crosses was highest in series 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 11 which had a percentage of 100%, the percentage of seed success was found in series 1, 2, 5 and 7, namely 50%, 54%, 51% and 52%. Changes in the character of the pod shape were found in series 5, 7, and 10, then differences in color were found in series 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11.


Keywords: Ercis; Success of Crossing; Diallel.


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